The predominant economies of the region are ranching and mining, both highly extractive and destructive land use activities. Continued over consumption of natural resources will lead to desertification, biodiversity loss and economic hardships for communities in the jaguar’s range.
Relevant conservation solutions that make sense to the community are needed. This means addressing wider ecological and economic concerns as well as showing the value of jaguar presences on privately owned lands.
We work with producers to create regenerative systems and products that benefit nature and increase financial stability. By tying economic performance to ecological health we create incentives for people to be stewards of their ecosystems.
Celebrating Sonora
Embracing Regional Nature and Culture
The community of Sahuaripa is rich in tradition and pride. Creating opportunities to market and export regional products made from regenerative systems increases financial security of communities. With the ability to command a higher price for “jaguar-friendly” products, these ranching communities realize the financial benefits of coexistence with nature. Creating conservation-compatible development in the jaguar’s range is essential to ensure long-term recovery.
Regional Products
Mesquite Flour
Handmade Crafts
Ecotourism is an underdeveloped resource for the community of Sahuaripa. The non-consumptive use of wildlife and natural resources, like birding, hiking, or river rafting, promote the value of nature protection. Visitors who come to celebrate the area’s rich biodiversity reinforce the importance of maintaining healthy ecosystems. Ecotourism is part of the restorative economy, bringing money to the communities hotels, restaurants, grocery stores and crafts people.