Regenerating nature and community
About La Tierra del Jaguar
La Tierra del Jaguar is a binational 501(c)3 nonprofit organization that is teaching regenerative skills and empowering people to partner with nature in places inhabited by jaguars. Our work with ranching communities addresses the needs of the local people, while implementing changes to heal the land after centuries of overgrazing.
Our Approach
Our solution to human and jaguar coexistence involves the application of regenerative systems to restore jaguar habitat and improve financial stability of communities. By tying economic performance to ecological health, we create incentives for people to be stewards of their ecosystems. We activate people to appreciate the rich biodiversity unique to the region and build the capacity of individuals and communities to partner with nature in the land of the jaguar.
Landscape Restoration
Increases the security and connectivity of jaguar habitat that has been degraded over centuries of extractive land use. Find out....
Regenerative Agriculture
Strengthens species diversity, improves water quality, and reduces human-jaguar conflict...
Economic Opportunity
Stimulates sustainable development and the regenerative economy as alternatives to ranching and mining...
Natural Building
Helps people design and construct energy-efficient homes with a low-carbon footprint...
80% of land in Sonora is held by
The jaguars home is now a patchwork of agricultural fields, overgrazed cattle ranches and human settlements.
With and an estimated 120 jaguars in Sonora, this population is critically endangered. Habit loss and fragmentation are top threats to their survival. Current ranching and agriculture practices have a devastating effect on jaguar habitat and human communities in the region.
The time to act is now.